Choice was limited for lunch as we only had some commercial options available to us at the train station where we stopped, so for dinner I was pretty keen to have something more local.
After I got home from this monumental six hour walking tour it had begun to cloud over as it often does after a long autumn day of 30° heat. The cloud has now turned into a thunder storm and I am in my little room stinking the place out with a delicious Döner Kebap with Knoblauchsoße (Garlic Sauce).
While waiting for my Kebap i had a look in the drinks fridge for a cold beverage and whilst my hand instinctivly reached for the half litre 2€ bottle of becks I saw 'Erdbeere' which looked like strawberry milk but was a bit of an enigma with beer in the title so I brought it along for the ride with me.
There is a huge Turkish population in Berlin, and Kebap's are the single most popular fast food here, so much so that Kebap's here have turned into somewhat of a local specialty. It sure tasted great and definitely not as salty what I remember Australian kebabs tasting like. Although the last one was so laden with chili it made me cry and hiccup at the same time.
Döner Kebap Rating: 7/10 for a great street food experience.
love this!